Problem-Solving & Decision-Making
In addition, here are some resources we think might be useful:
How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
In this book, Chip and Dan Heath draw on decades of psychological research to explain why we so often get it very badly wrong - why our supposedly rational brains are frequently tripped up by powerful biases and wishful thinking. At the same time they demonstrate how relatively easy it is to avoid the pitfalls and find the best answers, offering four simple principles that we can all learn and follow.
4 Decision Making and Problem Solving Examples in the Workplace
In this article, the author shares on 4 effective decision-making process:
Collaborative Decision Making: bringing others into the decision-making process and encouraging them to share their dissenting opinions, so as to find and address the flaws in a particular solution or decision more easily
Clearing Out Time to Make Creative Decisions: creating an empty block of space in the schedule to learn or think about specific issues without interruption can be an effective tool for some people
Decision-Making After a Break: giving yourself a break can help you be better at solving it when you come back to it.
Asking for Advice
How to avoid mindset traps when making decisions
According to West Point assistant professor of leadership and psychology, Mike Erwin, you can avoid mindset traps by doing these six things:
Make high-priority decisions at high-energy times
Excel at getting input from everyone
Resist multi-tasking
Avoid analysis paralysis
Never evaluate while emotional
Unplug from the information onslaught to clear your mind
You can read more about the six things here.
Three simple tips for making better decisions
In this 3 minutes video, Dr. Radha Modgil shares three of her favourite tips on where to start when you’re faced with a big decision.