
Self-Care refers to the attention to personal health and well-being to assure effective professional functioning. In the helping profession, it is critical to take care of yourself, before you can effectively take care of others. Hence, you are expected to:

  • Understand the central role of self-care to effective practice

  • Self-monitor issues related to self-care

  • Promptly intervene when disruptions in functioning occur

  • Demonstrate practice of self-care methods; attends to self-care

Self-Care is embedded as a core value in the Community Psychology Hub. Apart from creating opportunities to practice self-care or care as a group, here are some of the articles we have shared with each other. But first, do a quick check on yourself first:


Here are some resources we would like to share with you on self-care:

What is self-care

Self-care is not an indulgence. Self-care is a discipline. It requires tough-mindedness, a deep and personal understanding of your priorities, and a respect for both yourself and the people you choose to spend your life with.

For example, self-care is:

  • Doing work that matters.

  • Letting other people take care of themselves.

Read more here in this short article.

How to Create A Self-Care Plan

A Self-Care Plan is an intervention tool that keeps you from being completely sucked into the vortex, saving you when you find yourself standing on the precipice gazing into the dark abyss. It’s a fail-safe, created by you, and filled with your favorite self-care activities, important reminders, and ways to activate your self-care community.

Here’s an article on why you need a self-care plan, how to create one and stick to it.

How self-care drives success

Listen to the full podcast here or read this article to find out more about the key ideas on how self-care drives success:

  1. “Hustling” will produce a high level of physical and relational pain over time

  2. Self-Care Has Demonstrable, Career-Enhancing, Business-Building Benefits

  3. Self-Care Gives You Energy

  4. Self-Care Gives You an Edge

  5. Self-Neglect Causes Crises That Cripple Careers

Practicing Emotional Hygiene

This 17-minutes talk is a timely reminder on the importance of practicing emotional hygiene — taking care of our emotions, our minds, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies.