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Information Integration

Information integration is a key process where psychologists condense and synthesize multiple pieces of client information into a well-developed and coherent explanation of client’s problem. The end product will identify precipitating causes, as well as both internal and external influence that serve to maintain the problems. Integrating information is fundamental in ensuring a cohesive understanding of the client and situation. Psychologists are expected to:

  • Distinguish most important and relevant information from irrelevant information, and recognise inconsistencies and gaps in information collected

  • Discover new relationships or patterns and, identify relationships between information in order to make deductions or form opinions that follow logically by interpreting subjective and objective cues in conceptual framework(s)

  • Synthesise facts and inferences to articulate a formulated narrative that is succinct and coherent, and that explains the factors for the client’s presenting problems

  • Consider consequences and limitations to the case formulation, such as the availability of information and the frameworks used, or seek for alternatives if necessary

Here are some ideas and resources to spark your learning and thinking: 


Clinical formulation process

1. Gillian Butler (1998) - 6.01 - Clinical Formulation

This chapter talks about definitions, purposes, methods, accuracy and more on clinical formulation.

2. David L. Dawson & Nima G.Moghaddam (Eds) (2016). Formulation in Action: Applying Psychological Research to Clinical Practice.

This book details the case formulation process.

Clinical reasoning

1. School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle (2009) – Clinical reasoning: Instructor resources

The article details the clinical reasoning process and cycle.

2. Havighurst & Downey (2009) – Clinical Reasoning for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Practitioners: The Mindful Formulation

The article shares about how to integrate information to develop a formation that leads to an intervention plan.


Perspective taking & holistic thinking


Allen F. Repko (2008) – Interdisciplinary Research: Process and theory

Although this chapter does not talk about clinical formulation directly, it delineates the importance of perspective taking and holistic thinking for integrating information.